53 Days until I see my family again...
Posted by Jeremy
4:44 AM
Good Morningish... Well I can't help but think about Jayme and the kids, and hope they are feeling better this morning. They have been pretty sick and Jordan has been throwing up before he went to bed. I feel totally helpless out here, because that is when I get to really take care of them as they lay in bed. I really hope and pray that they feel better this morning!
Today starts a new week, This week will kind of tell me what the next few weeks is going to be like. At work that is... But I am sort of glad Sears is doing something... I don't know if you have been in a Sears in the past 5 years or not, but I could tell a huge difference from when we were in Virginia and now, and it is kind of sad, and they have fired their CEO. Not that it affects me at all, It is just sad to see.
I have to share some of the funniest videos ever again. Everybody needs a bit of a laugh sometimes...
Ok So most of them are Price is Right, but I love me some Bob Barker!
53 Days Until I see My Family Again...
Today starts a new week, This week will kind of tell me what the next few weeks is going to be like. At work that is... But I am sort of glad Sears is doing something... I don't know if you have been in a Sears in the past 5 years or not, but I could tell a huge difference from when we were in Virginia and now, and it is kind of sad, and they have fired their CEO. Not that it affects me at all, It is just sad to see.
I have to share some of the funniest videos ever again. Everybody needs a bit of a laugh sometimes...
Ok So most of them are Price is Right, but I love me some Bob Barker!
53 Days Until I see My Family Again...