42 Days until I see my family!!! w/ a little politican’...
I will start out with my political prophesy " However, the rest of them are not going to give up. I believe Romney will, but there is no way Huckabee will, so we will see, that may turn out for the best for Huckabee..." an exert (sp?) from my Super Fat Tuesday blog... And now that Romney has "suspended" his campaign, while he reconsiders his failed business venture... :) James Dobson has "endorsed" Huckabee... So, as long as a The faith based people and organizations trust Dobson enough we will see a little bit more of a swing from the Romney supporters over to Huckabee. This could possibly be the one move that slides the man right into position... I am really actually torn. I have a very mixed position on everything in the political world right now. Even though, I do love my man W...
- I do want some major change.
- I do want to see more progress in Iraq. or atleast more news coverage of what we are doing over there... I know we will be there for many many many years, I mean, the Air Force has been over there since the first Gulf War... So we aren't leaving people...
- I do want to see some change in Health Care.
- I do want to see Educators taken better care of.
- I do want to see taxes to be spread out more fairly.
My problem is, If I would decide to vote for Obama, I have to decide if he can get all of this through the hoops. A little known fact that most people wouldn't know is that Income tax was created by people like JP Morgan, and other prominant bankers back in the late 1800s-early 1900's. This was thrown over our eyes as a constitutional thing, but is no where in the constitution as we know it. Another fact I found out a few weeks ago, was Billy Clinton was the first Democratic President in 48 years and 9 presidents! This shows you a little bit of what our country works, and maybe what is going wrong with our country. In my personal opinion, this seems as if the parties have flip flopped and the donkeys have taken not nessecarily the bad guy role, but maybe the TOO COMFORTABLE ROLE... I am not saying either party is good these days, but I am saying there are good candidates, and we have to look for that in these candidates...
Get out and vote people! If you haven't noticed atleast the independants and democrats have gotten out... Throughout all of the caucuses and primaries, you will see the winner from the republican party will win with 60% and have 320,000 votes... and the winner from the democratic party will win with 45% and they will have almost a million votes... like 996,000 votes... This is showing me that America wants some change... It is kind of exciting times, I am excited to see what happens, even if a conservative candidate does pull off the win, there will be no way that they can ignore the desire for change!
Did I mention I cannot wait to see the family! Julianne said Hi da da today! haha she is apparently walking around pushing a toy. Jordan is going right to bed, in his own room. And Jayme is getting some school work done! I don't know how she does it! But I wish I was there to help her out!
42 Days until I see my family again!!!