Clearing my Political mind...
Posted by Jeremy
4:54 AM
I believe my last blog should have had that category as well, but it didn't start out that way. But to my point, I do not understand why celebrities seem to think their opinion matters. You have some of the most influencial politicians in Washinton never come out and say who they are "Endorsing" democrat or republican.
On the other hand, Robert De Niro comes out and "endorses" Obama... Mr. De Niro need to be more worried about focusing on making sure there isnt another Focker Movie.. Meet the Focker Babies... We pay him for his acting talent, and not his political opinon...
Now when it comes to Arnold, Thompson, the ever so great Jesse "the body" Venture, and lets not forget Ronnie Reagan. These fine gentleman have thrown their hat in the ring, and its not about endorsing anymore, they have put the gloves on at their own expense...
What is the deal with the money issue that is going on, Hillary's team not getting paid, Hillary not giving up her tax returns, half of the candidates left worth more that the fiscal debt, but the others are just sitting ducks.
One more quick bit of Political Prophesy... McCain has to bring in those southern evangelical votes, and Huckabee will bring all of those on board...

On the other hand, Robert De Niro comes out and "endorses" Obama... Mr. De Niro need to be more worried about focusing on making sure there isnt another Focker Movie.. Meet the Focker Babies... We pay him for his acting talent, and not his political opinon...
Now when it comes to Arnold, Thompson, the ever so great Jesse "the body" Venture, and lets not forget Ronnie Reagan. These fine gentleman have thrown their hat in the ring, and its not about endorsing anymore, they have put the gloves on at their own expense...
What is the deal with the money issue that is going on, Hillary's team not getting paid, Hillary not giving up her tax returns, half of the candidates left worth more that the fiscal debt, but the others are just sitting ducks.
One more quick bit of Political Prophesy... McCain has to bring in those southern evangelical votes, and Huckabee will bring all of those on board...