23 Days until I see my family again and QUIT MY JOB YO!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 5:03 AM
What can I say...  I am stalling from the busy work that my school is making me do.  23 days left and I am making my way through a lot of coursework.  I PASSED MY ETHICS CLASS!!! 

I can't really say how much God has incredibly blessed us..  He has lined up two jobs that are very good opportunities.  He has provided a house that we can basically try out before we buy.  An incredible deal we could never pass up!  

I gotta get back to work but we had the lease for our house drawn up today and has been signed and we should know at least by Monday for sure if we will be moving in 1 Apr. 

23 Days until I see my family and QUIT MY JOB!!!!

I can almost give my two weeks notice :)


Wow! 30 Days left!

Posted by Jeremy on 5:03 AM
    Well it's been a week since I wrote anything!  haha  I have been really really busy trying to get school work done, redesign my website with more of anything on it other than a resume.  
    I haven't put this up yet I don't think but God has not ceased to amazed and bless me!  I have been talking about a Logistics job which I thought was the avenue for me, but behind the scenes, I had doubt and my heart didn't really want this job.  Who knows, I still might end up there but my confidence has been stirred because of the phone call I received this past week. 
    When we decided to follow God's will for our lives, I immediately came inside and started looking for web design companies in the Wooster area.  Well I found a company that does it all, they don't just do web design, they do everything I enjoy doing.  They do Tech Support, Build PCs, Networking, they do it all... So I e-mailed the one e-mail that was on the website back in August.  I basically spilled my guts and told them how I would love to see the opportunities that they have to offer.  So Thanksgiving came along and I still hadn't heard anything, I had been exploring my options.  I felt I should send another e-mail.  So I did.  Spilled my guts again, just incase they didn't get my last one.  and by that time my friends had told me to get in touch with him, because we are a lot alike.  So I knew he goes to Wooster Church, I know he is a good guy, and I know its somewhat of a small business.  So, Come February, I still hadn't heard anything.  Things with the Logistics job seemed to be falling into place, so I put the idea of web design away and back up on the shelf, coming to terms that I would go on not doing the one thing that makes me the most happy.  So this past week is when God showed me that it is always going to be in His time... not mine, it is not my will, it is His.  And He will always come through.  I still don't have all the details, so I cannot say that is where I going to work, however, He called and within the first 3 minutes of the conversation he asked me to come take over and oversee the web development past of the business... God is good.   all the time... 

30 Days until I see my family again and see our new future!  



Posted by Jeremy on 5:01 AM
Where do I start?  There always comes a point in just about every situation, every point of view, every period of time, where you have to take a step back and really look at things.  This is coming from a very hard core republican for life.  

First of all, McCain is now focused on the democrats.  He has been for a while but has been distracted by the measly other campaigners.  One thing I see with the republicans is they are still focused on the same ideas for the past 25-30 years.  I have agreed in the past that the big bad government needs to stay out of my life, and let me do the things I want to do with the money I have!  The thing I have seen in the 10 years I have been in the real world is the government says what we can and can't do.  They already take a quarter of our paycheck, and they have gave away more money that we have to other interests around the world.  I believe we could have spent more of that on our healthcare, on our education, on our transportation system, on our research for better, more efficient energy.  When I hear John McCain say he believes in the people and the will and drive within the people of America.  Honestly, this type of thinking has been given the chance.  We have had pretty much 16 years that I can remember of this type of thinking.  In that 16 years health care costs have become unreachable, CEO's having runaway salaries.  In 1980 the average of CEO made 42 times the average pay of the average factory worker.  By 1998, those CEOs had quintupled that amount up to 412 times the average pay of a factory worker.  The top 5 CEOs are getting over 200 Million dollars a year... This is what is wrong with the country, It is true. The rich get richer.  Even Oprah doesn't make over 200 Million Dollars a year.   
My point is America has had its chance, and as some of the people on the left have been giving the warning shot that America has been in the same rut, and the government is using the resources elsewhere instead of investing back into the people.  This includes the Clinton times.  1998 was Clinton's sixth year so the democrats cannot escape from this equation.  America want's change.  McCain is as hard as it is for me to say, just one in the same with the rest of the party, IN MY OPINION.  I want change.  I want to see if life can be easier, and if anyone can make it to the american dream anymore, and not just the rich kid's kids that have what they think is the dream.  

I won't even discuss Hillary.  It is a shame and a joke to the entire political process that she is putting herself in harms way.  She is spewing politcal puke all over our media, and it is quite frankly disgusting.

Obama on the other hand is different.  He is different than the other democrats and republicans.  2 years ago, I was sitting in England watching CSPAN or something watching Obama talk about the issues.  He was standing in Congress scolding everyone that was sitting in there about how much of a tragedy it was that they would sit around and discuss some of the craziest topics like gay marriage when they have so many other things that are more pressing for Americans.  Please feel free to go and read most of his speeches.  http://obama.senate.gov/speech/ You have to believe me and go out and do your own research on this man.  YOU HAVE TO DECIDE YOURSELF.  

You cannot go by him being a democrat, or raised muslim, or a black guy... This guy thinks very differently from the Left wing Democrats.  Most Democrats care about getting a democrat into the whitehouse and making government control everything including health care.  

A few quick tips on Obama that go against Democrats.  He has voted No on every bill that sympathizes with abortion, he voted against the war, he votes FOR veterans, he voted no for gay marriage, because he believes in a man and a woman, he votes no for universal health care.  He wants healthcare affordable but not universal, Hillary will penalize you and dock your wages if you don't buy health care.  

All of these issues are HUGE when it comes to a democrat.  That is just a little bit of Obama that I have done research on.  I respect McCain more than any other politician in this country, however, I do not believe he has the vision that Obama encompasses.  

Obama is change, and he recognizes that is will not be easy.  The fact that he has verbalized that is not going to be easy, and that it is a real CHANGE MOVEMENT, that is what it is going to take.  Obama is HOPE, we have to get past the politicians that we have always known and let ourselves be heard.  This is a Democracy... We are supposed to be heard.  We are supposed to protest.  We are supposed to be taken care of.  

Now you are going to have to make the decision whether or not to give him the chance or not.  Is it worth your four years to gamble on the chance of real change?  

Getting back to what I said two years ago watching him on CSPAN in England... I told Jayme to come in and listen, because I couldn't believe it!  I said then, if this guy runs, he will be the next President along with having my vote.  

Lets rename the independant party to the Obamacans, or whatever else.. 

You decide... Go out an do the research and tell somebody what you found...


Funniest Videos Ever v1.1

Posted by Jeremy on 4:56 AM
Ofcourse I gotta start with a golf one...

More to come when NBC puts it up...


Clearing my Political mind...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:54 AM
I believe my last blog should have had that category as well, but it didn't start out that way. But to my point, I do not understand why celebrities seem to think their opinion matters. You have some of the most influencial politicians in Washinton never come out and say who they are "Endorsing" democrat or republican.
On the other hand, Robert De Niro comes out and "endorses" Obama... Mr. De Niro need to be more worried about focusing on making sure there isnt another Focker Movie.. Meet the Focker Babies... We pay him for his acting talent, and not his political opinon...
Now when it comes to Arnold, Thompson, the ever so great Jesse "the body" Venture, and lets not forget Ronnie Reagan. These fine gentleman have thrown their hat in the ring, and its not about endorsing anymore, they have put the gloves on at their own expense...
What is the deal with the money issue that is going on, Hillary's team not getting paid, Hillary not giving up her tax returns, half of the candidates left worth more that the fiscal debt, but the others are just sitting ducks.
One more quick bit of Political Prophesy... McCain has to bring in those southern evangelical votes, and Huckabee will bring all of those on board...


42 Days until I see my family!!! w/ a little politican’...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:52 AM

I will start out with my political prophesy " However, the rest of them are not going to give up.  I believe Romney will, but there is no way Huckabee will, so we will see, that may turn out for the best for Huckabee..."  an exert (sp?) from my Super Fat Tuesday blog...   And now that Romney has "suspended" his campaign, while he reconsiders his failed business venture... :)  James Dobson has "endorsed" Huckabee... So, as long as a The faith based people and organizations trust Dobson enough we will see a little bit more of a swing from the Romney supporters over to Huckabee.  This could possibly be the one move that slides the man right into position...  I am really actually torn.  I have a very mixed position on everything in the political world right now.  Even though, I do love my man W...

- I do want some major change. 

- I do want to see more progress in Iraq. or atleast more news coverage of what we are doing over there... I know we will be there for many many many years, I mean, the Air Force has been over there since the first Gulf War... So we aren't leaving people...  

- I do want to see some change in Health Care.

- I do want to see Educators taken better care of.

- I do want to see taxes to be spread out more fairly.

My problem is, If I would decide to vote for Obama, I have to decide if he can get all of this through the hoops.  A little known fact that most people wouldn't know is that Income tax was created by people like JP Morgan, and other prominant bankers back in the late 1800s-early 1900's.  This was thrown over our eyes as a constitutional thing, but is no where in the constitution as we know it.  Another fact I found out a few weeks ago, was Billy Clinton was the first Democratic President in 48 years and 9 presidents! This shows you a little bit of what our country works, and maybe what is going wrong with our country.  In my personal opinion, this seems as if the parties have flip flopped and the donkeys have taken not nessecarily the bad guy role, but maybe the TOO COMFORTABLE ROLE...  I am not saying either party is good these days, but I am saying there are good candidates, and we have to look for that in these candidates...

Get out and vote people!  If you haven't noticed atleast the independants and democrats have gotten out...  Throughout all of the caucuses and primaries, you will see the winner from the republican party will win with 60% and have 320,000 votes... and the winner from the democratic party will win with 45% and they will have almost a million votes... like 996,000 votes...  This is showing me that America wants some change... It is kind of exciting times, I am excited to see what happens, even if a conservative candidate does pull off the win, there will be no way that they can ignore the desire for change! 

Did I mention I cannot wait to see the family!  Julianne said Hi da da today! haha  she is apparently walking around pushing a toy.  Jordan is going right to bed, in his own room.  And Jayme is getting some school work done!  I don't know how she does it! But I wish I was there to help her out! 

42 Days until I see my family again!!!


43 Days until I see my family again...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:53 AM
Honestly, things are going ok, I officially got my separation orders, final out date, final out of finance, and final out of housing.  The only thing I really need to do is set up our TMO for shipping our things back to the homeland!  hahaha  

Ethics is practically giving me an ulcer... I have to write a paper on Emannuel Kant, and frankly, I can't understnad anything they are saying about him or what he wrote himself. I really can't grasp who's point of view is you "ought" to do something rather than "doing" it.  That isn't a very good example, because that still isnt right... hahaha  It is more like you doing something because you "want" to do it, and doing something because you "ought" to do it... Whatever... 

We have the best friends in the world.  <-- Period... Jayme had been kind of worried that I would go right into wooster and have my friend base already set up, but she wouldn't have those close friends.  Well she wasn't there 24 hours before one of them found out, and organized a lunch with a bunch of the moms from the church.  She was so excited because they all thought of her, and went out of their way to make her feel welcomed and comfortable.  That is one point where we have went seriously wrong over the past 6 years, keeping to ourselves, not really wanting to go out and do things if we didn't want to.  Thats why we know this is where God want's us.  

I am so excited to get there to get our life as we know it started... 

43 Days until I see my family again...


SUPER FAT TUESDAY!!! - 45 Days until I see my family!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 4:53 AM
Well today could quite possibly be the day which changes our country for better or worse.  I have a feeling tonight will be the night one or the other of both parties are going to start looking for their vice president candidate.  I don't however think Obama will give up if Hillary takes today, I do not believe he will give up and accept her offer for being president.   On the Donkey side, I feel McCain will finish up pulling away, and starting to select his VP.  However, the rest of them are not going to give up.  I believe Romney will, but there is no way Huckabee will, so we will see, that may turn out for the best for Huckabee... I would love to see the IRS to dissapear, haha, just for the simple fact that they make so many people's lives miserable.   

Ok back to real life, I am so excited Jayme and the kiddies got to make their way up to Wooster.  This week will be a very big week for Jordan to take in and accept Wooster!  I am praying that all of these storms stay calm and don't produce those crazy spinning things that will make him dislike that area just like Clovis!  We are really excited to see where things go.  God has began to open the doors for us, and build our confidence.  We are switching realtors, but the biggest thing is we are soo blessed to have different realtors wanting to help us out... That is awesome!  

The Fat part is for Fat Tuesday, and apparently Mardis Gras ends today, just thought I'd throw that in... 

45 Days until I see my family again!!! 


46 days until i see my family again...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:47 AM

Well, we are almost at our 45 day mark!  I totally gotta give it to the Giants, and the incredible performance was just greatness!  Eli Namath...

I'm sleepy, tomorrow's will be kinda both together... goodnight :)  Way to go Giants... 


46 days until i see my family again....


48 Days until I see my family again!!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 4:46 AM

Well today was kind of here and there... I don't really know what to think about all this time that has passed so quickly. I guess it is a great thing, but I went to the library to return some books, came back ate a sandwich, studied, cleaned the kitchen, folded clothes, took a nap, and here I am... lol that is a really fast 13 hours... but anyways... I have to really give it to Jayme now, because I know she is having a really hard time getting things done, and taking care of the kids. I know it is hard and I can't believe she is so strong! They have all been really sick and she is stil holding it together! Thats the thing about military spouses. They are incredible. Simply amazing the things we (military guys) put them through, and they put themselves through! But I don't know what I would do on earth without her!

One of my friends, Mindi, who was originally the sister of my dude Randal, but since he went to Vegas has apparently forgotten I am alive! haha but anyways, Mindi his little sister graduated HS last year or the year before, and ended up marrying her HS friend, who just happened to join the Marines as soon as he graduated HS and went straight to Iraq. well he came back, she was still in Oregon and then moved to 29 Palms and got married to Shane! Seriously, like 3 days before he left for his 2nd deployment... I couldn't believe it, but she always seemed so strong online... and then her story was on MTV's "True Life" My husband is in Iraq. Yeah no joke, I have really thought she really held it together better than I would have, and then I saw the show, and I realized she is human and a true military spouse! Incredible! You have to say a prayer for Mindi and Shane because I know the stress and heartache you have to go through when you redeploy and join back up together as one. Each of you have your own routines, and the military is still there wanting you to do their thing, so it is going to be VERY tough. Just say a prayer for them and all of their peers in the upcoming reunion. It just so happens, our countdowns are the same. So she too has 48 days to see her hubby Shane, who I cannot be more thankful to for dedicating his life to the freedom of this country. Straight out of highschool, thinking about taking care of the one he loves, and completing his mission. He has all the respect in the world from me.

Here is the show...


48 Days until I see my family!


49 Days until see my family again and QUIT MY JOB!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 4:45 AM
Today marks the day of yet another thing that I have accomplished throughout my short yet very full Air Force Career. As I look back over the past 6 years, I can see where he has been guiding me, even when I didn't know it. To Him be all the glory of anything that is brought out of my career and from here on out.

Early on, in my career, actually right at my first year in, I achieved the one goal, I did not think I could fulfill. This is something that most in the Air Force never have a chance at having the opportunity, and all most all of POL never have the chance. This was the great June day in Savannah Georgia, when I got to strap on a McDonnell Douglas F-15D Eagle for about 2-2 1/2 hours...

Shortly after that, I achieved one of the greatest achievements of my career, by being selected as Senior Airman Below-The-Zone. This is an honor for less than 2% of the Air Force's Airman First Class.

Another thing to check off the list was the opportunity to travel the world with my family throughout England, Scotland, France, Germany, and Qatar.

After that I was afforded the opportunity to test for Staff Sergeant (SSgt) and was promoted over 70% of the SrA in the Air Force and 96% of the first time testers. Getting selected as a Non-Commissioned Officer was a completely life changing event being charged with the responsibilty of an NCO.

Then I come to today, which is Testing for Technical Sergeant (TSgt) before my 6 year mark. Everything prior to this has led up to my opportunity to actually get to test for E-6 out of E-9. This leaves 3 ranks left to the highest enlisted rank in the Air Force. I don't know what the statistics are but out of all the POL people I have met in my career across 5 bases, (including tech school and deployed) I have only ever met 3 people that have tested prior to 6 years and made it and the stats for people who test prior to their 6 years has to be less than 10%. With all this said, to God be all that glory... It is just incredible what God can do in a little 'ol West Virginia boy.. haha but the last thing to check off is going to be separating honorably... :)

49 Days until I see my family again, and I quit my job!

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