Initial greetings

Posted by Jeremy on 8:44 AM in ,
Today is another one of those days, that I am stunned and in awe of our Almighty God.

To start off my name is Jeremy. I grew up in a small town in West Virginia. I moved to Ohio at the age of 15 and lived there until I met my wife at college and then joined the United States Air Force. This was all 6 years ago. Since then we have been through some of the hardest things anyone could ever go through. Along the way, God has blessed us with two incredible children. I will get into them more later.

I had to start this blog, because I have to start writing down and archiving all of the great things that God is doing for me.

This is where we will begin...



Posted by Jeremy on 5:04 AM
Well Here we go, I saw this You Tube video posted and honestly, I have been studying this kind of a lot... and when the youtube video came along I have realized that this IS an issue that God is pressing on our hearts...

On my way to church yesterday, I turned on the radio and listened to The Calvary of Albuquerque's Skip Heitzig as I always do, and this message was on... I was TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY... It might take you to listen to it twice to actually get what he is telling you!!! WHOA!!! but click the TV and watch this broadcast from yesterdays service out here in the ABQ.
Its gonna take a few minutes, maybe 30-40.. But I have also been watching this documentary "Jesus Camp where they are basically "training up the child" starting VERY YOUNG just like our Islamics peers minus the hand grenades and bomb belts... anyways... If you have time, check out both... below... Its going to enlighten your vision, but I cannot be quiet, when I feel that God is pressing it...

Watch this Service - Broadband Only

<--- Click the TV!!!


23 Days until I see my family again and QUIT MY JOB YO!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 5:03 AM
What can I say...  I am stalling from the busy work that my school is making me do.  23 days left and I am making my way through a lot of coursework.  I PASSED MY ETHICS CLASS!!! 

I can't really say how much God has incredibly blessed us..  He has lined up two jobs that are very good opportunities.  He has provided a house that we can basically try out before we buy.  An incredible deal we could never pass up!  

I gotta get back to work but we had the lease for our house drawn up today and has been signed and we should know at least by Monday for sure if we will be moving in 1 Apr. 

23 Days until I see my family and QUIT MY JOB!!!!

I can almost give my two weeks notice :)


Wow! 30 Days left!

Posted by Jeremy on 5:03 AM
    Well it's been a week since I wrote anything!  haha  I have been really really busy trying to get school work done, redesign my website with more of anything on it other than a resume.  
    I haven't put this up yet I don't think but God has not ceased to amazed and bless me!  I have been talking about a Logistics job which I thought was the avenue for me, but behind the scenes, I had doubt and my heart didn't really want this job.  Who knows, I still might end up there but my confidence has been stirred because of the phone call I received this past week. 
    When we decided to follow God's will for our lives, I immediately came inside and started looking for web design companies in the Wooster area.  Well I found a company that does it all, they don't just do web design, they do everything I enjoy doing.  They do Tech Support, Build PCs, Networking, they do it all... So I e-mailed the one e-mail that was on the website back in August.  I basically spilled my guts and told them how I would love to see the opportunities that they have to offer.  So Thanksgiving came along and I still hadn't heard anything, I had been exploring my options.  I felt I should send another e-mail.  So I did.  Spilled my guts again, just incase they didn't get my last one.  and by that time my friends had told me to get in touch with him, because we are a lot alike.  So I knew he goes to Wooster Church, I know he is a good guy, and I know its somewhat of a small business.  So, Come February, I still hadn't heard anything.  Things with the Logistics job seemed to be falling into place, so I put the idea of web design away and back up on the shelf, coming to terms that I would go on not doing the one thing that makes me the most happy.  So this past week is when God showed me that it is always going to be in His time... not mine, it is not my will, it is His.  And He will always come through.  I still don't have all the details, so I cannot say that is where I going to work, however, He called and within the first 3 minutes of the conversation he asked me to come take over and oversee the web development past of the business... God is good.   all the time... 

30 Days until I see my family again and see our new future!  



Posted by Jeremy on 5:01 AM
Where do I start?  There always comes a point in just about every situation, every point of view, every period of time, where you have to take a step back and really look at things.  This is coming from a very hard core republican for life.  

First of all, McCain is now focused on the democrats.  He has been for a while but has been distracted by the measly other campaigners.  One thing I see with the republicans is they are still focused on the same ideas for the past 25-30 years.  I have agreed in the past that the big bad government needs to stay out of my life, and let me do the things I want to do with the money I have!  The thing I have seen in the 10 years I have been in the real world is the government says what we can and can't do.  They already take a quarter of our paycheck, and they have gave away more money that we have to other interests around the world.  I believe we could have spent more of that on our healthcare, on our education, on our transportation system, on our research for better, more efficient energy.  When I hear John McCain say he believes in the people and the will and drive within the people of America.  Honestly, this type of thinking has been given the chance.  We have had pretty much 16 years that I can remember of this type of thinking.  In that 16 years health care costs have become unreachable, CEO's having runaway salaries.  In 1980 the average of CEO made 42 times the average pay of the average factory worker.  By 1998, those CEOs had quintupled that amount up to 412 times the average pay of a factory worker.  The top 5 CEOs are getting over 200 Million dollars a year... This is what is wrong with the country, It is true. The rich get richer.  Even Oprah doesn't make over 200 Million Dollars a year.   
My point is America has had its chance, and as some of the people on the left have been giving the warning shot that America has been in the same rut, and the government is using the resources elsewhere instead of investing back into the people.  This includes the Clinton times.  1998 was Clinton's sixth year so the democrats cannot escape from this equation.  America want's change.  McCain is as hard as it is for me to say, just one in the same with the rest of the party, IN MY OPINION.  I want change.  I want to see if life can be easier, and if anyone can make it to the american dream anymore, and not just the rich kid's kids that have what they think is the dream.  

I won't even discuss Hillary.  It is a shame and a joke to the entire political process that she is putting herself in harms way.  She is spewing politcal puke all over our media, and it is quite frankly disgusting.

Obama on the other hand is different.  He is different than the other democrats and republicans.  2 years ago, I was sitting in England watching CSPAN or something watching Obama talk about the issues.  He was standing in Congress scolding everyone that was sitting in there about how much of a tragedy it was that they would sit around and discuss some of the craziest topics like gay marriage when they have so many other things that are more pressing for Americans.  Please feel free to go and read most of his speeches.  http://obama.senate.gov/speech/ You have to believe me and go out and do your own research on this man.  YOU HAVE TO DECIDE YOURSELF.  

You cannot go by him being a democrat, or raised muslim, or a black guy... This guy thinks very differently from the Left wing Democrats.  Most Democrats care about getting a democrat into the whitehouse and making government control everything including health care.  

A few quick tips on Obama that go against Democrats.  He has voted No on every bill that sympathizes with abortion, he voted against the war, he votes FOR veterans, he voted no for gay marriage, because he believes in a man and a woman, he votes no for universal health care.  He wants healthcare affordable but not universal, Hillary will penalize you and dock your wages if you don't buy health care.  

All of these issues are HUGE when it comes to a democrat.  That is just a little bit of Obama that I have done research on.  I respect McCain more than any other politician in this country, however, I do not believe he has the vision that Obama encompasses.  

Obama is change, and he recognizes that is will not be easy.  The fact that he has verbalized that is not going to be easy, and that it is a real CHANGE MOVEMENT, that is what it is going to take.  Obama is HOPE, we have to get past the politicians that we have always known and let ourselves be heard.  This is a Democracy... We are supposed to be heard.  We are supposed to protest.  We are supposed to be taken care of.  

Now you are going to have to make the decision whether or not to give him the chance or not.  Is it worth your four years to gamble on the chance of real change?  

Getting back to what I said two years ago watching him on CSPAN in England... I told Jayme to come in and listen, because I couldn't believe it!  I said then, if this guy runs, he will be the next President along with having my vote.  

Lets rename the independant party to the Obamacans, or whatever else.. 

You decide... Go out an do the research and tell somebody what you found...


Funniest Videos Ever v1.1

Posted by Jeremy on 4:56 AM
Ofcourse I gotta start with a golf one...

More to come when NBC puts it up...


Clearing my Political mind...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:54 AM
I believe my last blog should have had that category as well, but it didn't start out that way. But to my point, I do not understand why celebrities seem to think their opinion matters. You have some of the most influencial politicians in Washinton never come out and say who they are "Endorsing" democrat or republican.
On the other hand, Robert De Niro comes out and "endorses" Obama... Mr. De Niro need to be more worried about focusing on making sure there isnt another Focker Movie.. Meet the Focker Babies... We pay him for his acting talent, and not his political opinon...
Now when it comes to Arnold, Thompson, the ever so great Jesse "the body" Venture, and lets not forget Ronnie Reagan. These fine gentleman have thrown their hat in the ring, and its not about endorsing anymore, they have put the gloves on at their own expense...
What is the deal with the money issue that is going on, Hillary's team not getting paid, Hillary not giving up her tax returns, half of the candidates left worth more that the fiscal debt, but the others are just sitting ducks.
One more quick bit of Political Prophesy... McCain has to bring in those southern evangelical votes, and Huckabee will bring all of those on board...


42 Days until I see my family!!! w/ a little politican’...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:52 AM

I will start out with my political prophesy " However, the rest of them are not going to give up.  I believe Romney will, but there is no way Huckabee will, so we will see, that may turn out for the best for Huckabee..."  an exert (sp?) from my Super Fat Tuesday blog...   And now that Romney has "suspended" his campaign, while he reconsiders his failed business venture... :)  James Dobson has "endorsed" Huckabee... So, as long as a The faith based people and organizations trust Dobson enough we will see a little bit more of a swing from the Romney supporters over to Huckabee.  This could possibly be the one move that slides the man right into position...  I am really actually torn.  I have a very mixed position on everything in the political world right now.  Even though, I do love my man W...

- I do want some major change. 

- I do want to see more progress in Iraq. or atleast more news coverage of what we are doing over there... I know we will be there for many many many years, I mean, the Air Force has been over there since the first Gulf War... So we aren't leaving people...  

- I do want to see some change in Health Care.

- I do want to see Educators taken better care of.

- I do want to see taxes to be spread out more fairly.

My problem is, If I would decide to vote for Obama, I have to decide if he can get all of this through the hoops.  A little known fact that most people wouldn't know is that Income tax was created by people like JP Morgan, and other prominant bankers back in the late 1800s-early 1900's.  This was thrown over our eyes as a constitutional thing, but is no where in the constitution as we know it.  Another fact I found out a few weeks ago, was Billy Clinton was the first Democratic President in 48 years and 9 presidents! This shows you a little bit of what our country works, and maybe what is going wrong with our country.  In my personal opinion, this seems as if the parties have flip flopped and the donkeys have taken not nessecarily the bad guy role, but maybe the TOO COMFORTABLE ROLE...  I am not saying either party is good these days, but I am saying there are good candidates, and we have to look for that in these candidates...

Get out and vote people!  If you haven't noticed atleast the independants and democrats have gotten out...  Throughout all of the caucuses and primaries, you will see the winner from the republican party will win with 60% and have 320,000 votes... and the winner from the democratic party will win with 45% and they will have almost a million votes... like 996,000 votes...  This is showing me that America wants some change... It is kind of exciting times, I am excited to see what happens, even if a conservative candidate does pull off the win, there will be no way that they can ignore the desire for change! 

Did I mention I cannot wait to see the family!  Julianne said Hi da da today! haha  she is apparently walking around pushing a toy.  Jordan is going right to bed, in his own room.  And Jayme is getting some school work done!  I don't know how she does it! But I wish I was there to help her out! 

42 Days until I see my family again!!!


43 Days until I see my family again...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:53 AM
Honestly, things are going ok, I officially got my separation orders, final out date, final out of finance, and final out of housing.  The only thing I really need to do is set up our TMO for shipping our things back to the homeland!  hahaha  

Ethics is practically giving me an ulcer... I have to write a paper on Emannuel Kant, and frankly, I can't understnad anything they are saying about him or what he wrote himself. I really can't grasp who's point of view is you "ought" to do something rather than "doing" it.  That isn't a very good example, because that still isnt right... hahaha  It is more like you doing something because you "want" to do it, and doing something because you "ought" to do it... Whatever... 

We have the best friends in the world.  <-- Period... Jayme had been kind of worried that I would go right into wooster and have my friend base already set up, but she wouldn't have those close friends.  Well she wasn't there 24 hours before one of them found out, and organized a lunch with a bunch of the moms from the church.  She was so excited because they all thought of her, and went out of their way to make her feel welcomed and comfortable.  That is one point where we have went seriously wrong over the past 6 years, keeping to ourselves, not really wanting to go out and do things if we didn't want to.  Thats why we know this is where God want's us.  

I am so excited to get there to get our life as we know it started... 

43 Days until I see my family again...


SUPER FAT TUESDAY!!! - 45 Days until I see my family!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 4:53 AM
Well today could quite possibly be the day which changes our country for better or worse.  I have a feeling tonight will be the night one or the other of both parties are going to start looking for their vice president candidate.  I don't however think Obama will give up if Hillary takes today, I do not believe he will give up and accept her offer for being president.   On the Donkey side, I feel McCain will finish up pulling away, and starting to select his VP.  However, the rest of them are not going to give up.  I believe Romney will, but there is no way Huckabee will, so we will see, that may turn out for the best for Huckabee... I would love to see the IRS to dissapear, haha, just for the simple fact that they make so many people's lives miserable.   

Ok back to real life, I am so excited Jayme and the kiddies got to make their way up to Wooster.  This week will be a very big week for Jordan to take in and accept Wooster!  I am praying that all of these storms stay calm and don't produce those crazy spinning things that will make him dislike that area just like Clovis!  We are really excited to see where things go.  God has began to open the doors for us, and build our confidence.  We are switching realtors, but the biggest thing is we are soo blessed to have different realtors wanting to help us out... That is awesome!  

The Fat part is for Fat Tuesday, and apparently Mardis Gras ends today, just thought I'd throw that in... 

45 Days until I see my family again!!! 


46 days until i see my family again...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:47 AM

Well, we are almost at our 45 day mark!  I totally gotta give it to the Giants, and the incredible performance was just greatness!  Eli Namath...

I'm sleepy, tomorrow's will be kinda both together... goodnight :)  Way to go Giants... 


46 days until i see my family again....


48 Days until I see my family again!!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 4:46 AM

Well today was kind of here and there... I don't really know what to think about all this time that has passed so quickly. I guess it is a great thing, but I went to the library to return some books, came back ate a sandwich, studied, cleaned the kitchen, folded clothes, took a nap, and here I am... lol that is a really fast 13 hours... but anyways... I have to really give it to Jayme now, because I know she is having a really hard time getting things done, and taking care of the kids. I know it is hard and I can't believe she is so strong! They have all been really sick and she is stil holding it together! Thats the thing about military spouses. They are incredible. Simply amazing the things we (military guys) put them through, and they put themselves through! But I don't know what I would do on earth without her!

One of my friends, Mindi, who was originally the sister of my dude Randal, but since he went to Vegas has apparently forgotten I am alive! haha but anyways, Mindi his little sister graduated HS last year or the year before, and ended up marrying her HS friend, who just happened to join the Marines as soon as he graduated HS and went straight to Iraq. well he came back, she was still in Oregon and then moved to 29 Palms and got married to Shane! Seriously, like 3 days before he left for his 2nd deployment... I couldn't believe it, but she always seemed so strong online... and then her story was on MTV's "True Life" My husband is in Iraq. Yeah no joke, I have really thought she really held it together better than I would have, and then I saw the show, and I realized she is human and a true military spouse! Incredible! You have to say a prayer for Mindi and Shane because I know the stress and heartache you have to go through when you redeploy and join back up together as one. Each of you have your own routines, and the military is still there wanting you to do their thing, so it is going to be VERY tough. Just say a prayer for them and all of their peers in the upcoming reunion. It just so happens, our countdowns are the same. So she too has 48 days to see her hubby Shane, who I cannot be more thankful to for dedicating his life to the freedom of this country. Straight out of highschool, thinking about taking care of the one he loves, and completing his mission. He has all the respect in the world from me.

Here is the show...


48 Days until I see my family!


49 Days until see my family again and QUIT MY JOB!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 4:45 AM
Today marks the day of yet another thing that I have accomplished throughout my short yet very full Air Force Career. As I look back over the past 6 years, I can see where he has been guiding me, even when I didn't know it. To Him be all the glory of anything that is brought out of my career and from here on out.

Early on, in my career, actually right at my first year in, I achieved the one goal, I did not think I could fulfill. This is something that most in the Air Force never have a chance at having the opportunity, and all most all of POL never have the chance. This was the great June day in Savannah Georgia, when I got to strap on a McDonnell Douglas F-15D Eagle for about 2-2 1/2 hours...

Shortly after that, I achieved one of the greatest achievements of my career, by being selected as Senior Airman Below-The-Zone. This is an honor for less than 2% of the Air Force's Airman First Class.

Another thing to check off the list was the opportunity to travel the world with my family throughout England, Scotland, France, Germany, and Qatar.

After that I was afforded the opportunity to test for Staff Sergeant (SSgt) and was promoted over 70% of the SrA in the Air Force and 96% of the first time testers. Getting selected as a Non-Commissioned Officer was a completely life changing event being charged with the responsibilty of an NCO.

Then I come to today, which is Testing for Technical Sergeant (TSgt) before my 6 year mark. Everything prior to this has led up to my opportunity to actually get to test for E-6 out of E-9. This leaves 3 ranks left to the highest enlisted rank in the Air Force. I don't know what the statistics are but out of all the POL people I have met in my career across 5 bases, (including tech school and deployed) I have only ever met 3 people that have tested prior to 6 years and made it and the stats for people who test prior to their 6 years has to be less than 10%. With all this said, to God be all that glory... It is just incredible what God can do in a little 'ol West Virginia boy.. haha but the last thing to check off is going to be separating honorably... :)

49 Days until I see my family again, and I quit my job!


50 Days until I quit my jobs and see my family again...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:42 AM
Life is sooo good lately, it has been weird.  I really can't wait to see the family but, I know it has been right.  God is totally taking care of us all the way around.  He has given us everything we need, and we know he is setting it all us for us in Ohio.  This whole process has just been very peaceful.  We are sooo excited, and I am so jealous that Jayme is already there and will be looking at houses and THE house next friday... We had'nt really thought about Orrville, Ohio at all, but now it seems that that is the only option.  God has closed all the doors with housing and jobs in Wooster and Canton, right now, and opened them all up in Orrville.  BTW... I test for TSgt tomorrow... :)  good luck to me!  haha  just will never find out the results... 

50 Days until I quit my job and see my family again!  


By : Australia Hillsongs

Would you believe me if I said
That we are the ones who can
Make the change in the world today
Would you believe me if I said
Thal all of the dreams in your heart
Can come true today
Would you believe me if I said
That life can be all that you
Want it to be today

And if I had wings I would fly
'Cause all that I need You are
And if the world caved in around me
To You I'd still hold on
'Cause You're all that I believe
And the One that created me
Jesus because of You
I'm free

Would you believe me if I said
That God can make miracles happen today yeah yeah
Would you believe me if I said
That you don't need to wait for the answers before
You step out in faith
Would you believe me if I said
That nothing is ever impossible for God

Just live your life
With God inside
You won't regret
One moment of it
And give all that you can for God
For God


51 Days until I see my family again!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 4:43 AM
Well, its been like forever it seems like, but First of all, Go McCain... I am getting excited now for November... I really tired of osama and hillary... :) but anyways! Good luck to them both, but wow!

God has been soo good. My step-dad got a job paying more than he asked 2 days before his supplemental pay and bennies ended with the last job.. God is totally working on, or showing me pieces of our future in Ohio... We are so excited! I just can't believe it! God is soo good to me.

51 Days until I see my family again!!!


53 Days until I see my family again...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:44 AM
Good Morningish... Well I can't help but think about Jayme and the kids, and hope they are feeling better this morning. They have been pretty sick and Jordan has been throwing up before he went to bed. I feel totally helpless out here, because that is when I get to really take care of them as they lay in bed. I really hope and pray that they feel better this morning!
Today starts a new week, This week will kind of tell me what the next few weeks is going to be like. At work that is... But I am sort of glad Sears is doing something... I don't know if you have been in a Sears in the past 5 years or not, but I could tell a huge difference from when we were in Virginia and now, and it is kind of sad, and they have fired their CEO. Not that it affects me at all, It is just sad to see.
I have to share some of the funniest videos ever again. Everybody needs a bit of a laugh sometimes...

Ok So most of them are Price is Right, but I love me some Bob Barker!

53 Days Until I see My Family Again...


54 Days until I see my family again!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 4:40 AM
Wow, I don't know what I really am doing, but I guess I forgot yesterdays?  I don't know, but I was busy fixing other people's computers and cleaning the house.  All that jazz... 

God has been sooooo good to us.  I have been really thinking about this one job with Jarrett Logistics Systems, Inc. in Orrville, Ohio.  There is a certain job there that I believe I would really enjoy.  For some reason I haven't been able to get this job out of my head for a while now.  So I ended up applying for a few saturday morning's ago and an hour didn't pass before I got a reply from the President and Owner of the company, Michael Jarrett.  I was totally blown away.  Right away all of my feelings were confirmed.  Later that week I had the opportunity to have a phone interview with him, and the worst part was I was at work and helping someone format a letter correctly, and was dumb enough to answer my phone.  So I had to take the call, so I wasn't really all in the game, but I felt that I answered his questions well.  He said we would talk more once April gets closer, so I hadn't really thought more about the interview for a few days because things at work were getting crazy, then one day, I got the urge out of nowhere to send him a thank you letter and explain more of what I could do for him, and not what I have done.  So I dropped everything I was doing, went to Office Max, got some Resume Paper and Envelopes, and wrote the letter and printed it and an extra copy of my resume out and went straight to the post office.  

Again, that was on like Tuesday, and on Sunday I called Jayme and she said "You are not going to believe who Lauresa knows" and I immediately knew that she knew Michael Jarrett!  Again, I was totally blown away!  I was sooooo thankful that God has eyes and ears everywhere.  And it turns out he is supposed to be a very good Christian man.   So we will see what happens, but I am so not worthy of God's Goodness!  All of this is all going to be to the glory of Him!

To make things even better, the house we are looking at, and REALLY want, and think God led us to that house, is less than a mile away from the Jarrett Logistics complex.  I am just totally blown away, and not only that, We got pre-approved for just about any house we want.  Our Realtor called on Wed, and by Friday morning all of the pre-approval process was done, and we were pre-approved!  God is Good... 

54 Days until I see my family again!!!


56 Days until I see my family again!

Posted by Jeremy on 4:40 AM

I just realized I didn't do one for yesterday, hmm... haha... who cares, but sorry if you were really counting on it... :)  I don't really know what to say today, I have a lot really on my mind.  I did pass my test!  Thank you for all the prayers... to be honest... I needed a 54 to pass... yep... I gotta 54..  :)  Thank you Lord!  I do not deserve that! 

I have also really been thinking about our family friends who just lost their Dad tragically... He was loved and liked by everyone, seriously... he was a very good man.  He had been through a lot in his life to include 2 tours with boots on the ground in Vietnam.  God only knows the things he has been having to deal with, or state of depression he might have been in... There are so many different factors, but I can't help but to just sit and pray for his immediate family who will not be coming home to him anymore or wont drive to church with anymore,  I just don't know the strength that God gives them to go on.  I just don't know what I would do if I lost someone that close!  It would have to be God putting me into bed, and rolling me out everyday... Not to mention everybody who is going to keep asking how they are doing, and pulling the scab off...

All I know is everytime I think of them, or Lyndon, I say a real quick prayer for them to have hope, strength, and comfort.

I am down to 16 classes left until my degree is finished, and 2 of those I should be completing this weekend, and I will be refering for the tests for 2 more on Monday... I should be depending on the pre-assessments... That will put me down to 12 left by Mid February, and I would like to knock out about 3-4 more if not more by June 31.  Things are going good, I have already completed my 12 credit units needed for the entire term, so now all these extra are uh... extra... :) 

Just please keep praying for me, I know God is going to place us in the right position no matter if my degree is finished or not. 

56 Days until I see my family again! 


58 Days until I see my family again!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 4:41 AM
Well, I first gotta say, If the Clintons don't stop all this childish stuff with Obama, I'm gonna go nuts. I really could care less, I hope the rest of the world sees this and uses their vote wisely! And Bill needs to stay out of it....

But It has to be one of the harder days so far, BECAUSE I STILL DON'T KNOW IF I PASSED OR NOT!!! hahaha

but we started doing skype last night with the family, and I have had a blast! Totally brightened my day...

One cool thing of the day... My dude from Ashland Ohio that came over one of the first days we lived in Ashland. We played football together, and had a lot of classes together, Oliver.... Well I was watching the nail biter on Deal or no deal and didn't realize American Idol was on, so I turned it on to see the last person trying out... and it was after he was done singing, and I said... That's oliver... and I kept waiting for them to say his name... and sure and snot his name WAS Oliver! that was my dude!

He has gained a bit of weight, but haven't we all! but he was in there with his wife and brand new baby, and All three of the judges fell in love with his baby... Simon even said he felt like it was his baby! weird... hahaha


Gotta go get stuff done...

58 Days until I see my family again!!!


60 Days until I see my family again...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:39 AM
Ok, Well If you didn't notice, I kept myself busy today.  Saturday, I had to go to the store and the library, Sunday I had church and the football games, but today wasn't promising in keeping busy, so I had to fill it up myself.  I am taking a huge exam on Wednesday, so I need all the prayers I can get.  (just say a real quick one right now..) ... ... Thank you!  At least I have that one! 

So I studied, I worked on www.clovisnaz.org/index.php  I have it hidden from the regular www.clovisnaz.org.  

But I got to talk to Jayme and the kids a lot today, Jordan has a gym class that he loved.  Anytime he can run around and be a kid for an hour he is as good as gold.  

Julianne apparently wont stop say "dada" in our normal evening time playtime.  She got as used to it as I did!  Holy cow, just walking around, and I pick up here and pick up there trying to to clean up all of their mess at the same time.. but eventually I gotta do it... Its really hard to see their beds and empty rooms!  OK ENOUGH!  haha  But I just can't wait!  I have enough to keep me busy, I just gotta get their rooms clean and shut the doors, I guess... 

60 Days until I see my family again...


59 Days until I see my family again!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 4:38 AM

"I've been wandering, in this desert for so long,

I've been blazing trail, that I thought you put me on,

Now that I'm still, Now that I hear You,

I know it's Your will, for me to be near You,

and nothing matters more, nothing matters more.

There's a place, where I want to be,

There's a place, waiting just for me, next to you, next to you.

There's a place, where your voice is clear,

There's a place, where there is no fear, next to you, next to you."

I cannot find that song anywhere, so I am assuming it is written by someone at Wooster Church.  But I have heard that song on my Ipod probably 300 times, but It hit me this morning as I was still and listening, that, that is all he really wants from me.  Just to be still and listen and be next to Him.   My day was incredible after I spent that time.  I have listened to more Joyce Meyer lately and she talks about spending that time with Him just as you would you husband or wife.  I heard that about 2-3 weeks ago, and it took this song for it to sink in.  And not only that, I have heard that message about 20,000 times in my life.  but something clicked. 

I cannot wait to get our life as we will know it started, on a day I really started missing the family again, not that I didn't yesterday, I just had more reminders today, I got to talk to all of them, and got to talk to Jordan about me coming back.  He had a rough day missing me, and nothing else tears me apart more than that!  I know all of this will be for the best for all of us.  We are weird like that in a military way, but I am taking a VERY important test tomorrow, that will clear me to go ahead and start knocking classes out of the way.  Say another prayer real quick... ... haha  ok, but I can't wait to start seeing everybody when I get back!  

59 Days until I see my family again, quit my job, and don't have to work with you know who anymore!!!! 


61 Days until I see my family again!!!

Posted by Jeremy on 4:39 AM

Well, God has blessed us even more today watching them over 1300 miles to get them safely to their destination!  WooHoo!  Now we just have one more!  :)  but I am so excited for them to enjoy themselves for a little bit.  I know Jordan will have a great time causing trouble with his cousins. 

Sort of a continued blog from yesterday, I have to say just how incredible of a person that God blessed me with.  To start off, if you don't believe in God, or don't believe God works in your lives, this was our start.  I grew up in the church, Sunday Morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night.  Every week was like that until the 9ers were in the NFC championship, I was allowed to skip Sunday night church.  But Jayme had a different childhood when it came to church.  Especially when it came to Nazarene, which is the weird part about her coming to Mount Vernon Nazarene College.  She had been dating a guy who's dad was a Nazarene pastor and whose Aunt and Uncle are Les and Leslie Parrot.  If you don't know them, thats ok, I didn't either until I grew up.  but they do a lot of Marriage Conferences, and books based on Christian Values.   This guys Grand father helped build and rebuild as the President of Olivet Nazarene University back in 1939.  But to make a VERY long story just a little bit shorter, this guy's mother said that Jayme should check out Mt. Vernon.  Not knowing anything about her Christian life, and knowing that Jayme wasn't a Nazarene.   All along this time, I was NOT going to MVNC...  That was it.. I just wasn't.  My Dad was in the first class there, and my sister was currently attending there, so I wasnt going...  Nope.. No Seriously... I wasn't going... I wouldn't go to college, if I HAD to go there.   Well that summer all the Nazarene teens got together in Toronto, Canada for the Nazarene Youth Congress, and most of the Teens from the District were going to MVNC, and wanted me to go, and much to their dismay I wasn't going and frankly, my dear, I didnt care!  haha  It was terrible, but I just wasn't going.  Well to make that week shorter, I had never been closer to God and what he wanted to do with my life, and the last night there.  All the teens were together in our district and I told them I would see them at MVNC in just a few weeks.   So I had to rush to get my admissions through and all the other stuff ready and moved in... The first day there we had some orientation in the chapel, and my friend and I had gotten there a little late, so we sat in the back row in the front section no one around us at all for 5 rows or so.  We weren't there for 5 minutes and this group of girls came in and sat right next to us...  There was 2 guys sitting on the end of the row in the back, and these 4-5 girls come all the way down the row and sit right next to us.  Didn't say a word just sat down.  :/  It wasn't long before they did the corny thing and asked us what time it was... well I will give you one guess who that one corny girl was... haha  fast forward about 3 years, It was late August 2001 and I had moved to Columbus, Jayme had left MVNC and moved to Columbus and was attending Ohio State.  God had sent an AF recruiter into the back of Walmart into the Photocenter to get me into the AF.  Turns out this guys was a pastor.  I talked with Jayme about it, and went and processed for the Military.  about 12 days later the world as we know it changed on Sept. 11th.  So After that we had a lot of discussions about what to do, and by the time I was supposed to leave in January, WE decided I shouldn't go.   So my date to leave came and passed and that recruiter found me at a new job and came over there to talk to me about my decision.  Long story short we had a good long talk about life and God's will, and I was signed up to go.  I said Jayme and I were getting married early April so I couldn't go until after the 15th of April.  So he was happy with this, went on his merry way and called me back after lunch that day and said "You said you could go after the 15th right? Well how about the 16th"  Well... I said anything after the 15th... I guess that means the 16th too... So that was the deal, Jayme and I had talked about it more, and She wasn't happy at all, and it was a weird situation but it came down to me saying 'I am going, you can go or you can stay" and She knew that wasn't me talking so she got on board.  It was totally out of our hands.  

From the very first day that I met her sitting there in tha Chapel, she has never stopped caring for me, loving me, supporting me, thinking about me, taking care of me, watching over me, etc.  I could go on forever, but most days I get a realization of how she cares more about me than I do!  She is always thinking of me, trying to change herself for me (I'm sucha jerk), turning the toilet paper around, anything that will make me feel better all around.  I could never ask for anything more.  She was soo scared to leave me here alone, because she didn't think I would take care of myself, not she didn't think I could, just that I would. 

I could seriously go on forever, but I pray every day and thank God for her and the incredible things she has brought into our marriage, and family. 

61 Days until I see my family again!!!


62 Days until I see my family again...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:37 AM

Wow today has been weird!   I slept in until about 0630, I have gotten to do all kinds of productive things... Yes ofcourse, I have gotten sad again everytime I walk into our room, or the one of the kid's rooms.  But It also is starting to get me REALLY Excited to be in the real world!  did I mention EXCITED!  Holy Wow! I can't believe it.  Really once February is here, I am pretty much outta here.  I can't believe it!

hahaa... I am so excited for everyone to be able to meet and know my kids.  Jordan, as most of you know already, is the best kid on earth.  He has the best personality.  He is totally full of Integrity, Honesty, Caring, Loving, Excitement, Genuine, and so much more.  I recognize most of those are not in the right tense but WHO CARES! haha!  I am so proud to call him my son.  He is so incredibly perfect when it comes to his true qualities!  He loves Jesus, and his family, and that does not make me any happier! 

Julianne could possibly be the happiest baby that has ever graced this planet!  It doesn't matter what time of day, how much sleep she has had, what kinda mood she is in, if you look anywhere in her direction, she will shine back with a huge genuine smile!  She loves the attention she gets from anyone.  However, she loves her Mommy, Daddy, and Bubby.   I think God sent her to us, to remind us of Him and his love for us!  She is totally all about making you happy too, she knows that when she smiles, you are going to smile back...  She inspires me to be more of a happy person all the time, not just when I feel like it!

Jayme will get her own blog tomorrow! :D

62 Days until I see my family again...


63 Days until I see my family again...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:36 AM

Well, things are very different now!  I don't want to really want to expose myself too terribly, but Yeah. 

Life is way different coming home and being able to watch a show, and hear every word.  Be able to sit and read.  Wow, but I wouldn't ever feel like this is normal.  I wouldn't trade my real lifestyle for this EVER.  God has totally given me 3 incredible angels to live my life with...  I love it, and I am so excited to start our new life outside the military.  weird...

63 Days until I see my family again...


64 Days until I quit my job...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:35 AM

Well, this is probably one of the hardest days I have had in a while.  It is the last day to spend with my incredible family for the next 64 days.  I am so excited for them to get to Ohio and start our new life, but I hadn't really thought about how sad it would be.  I am writing about it here because I don't want to think about it anymore!!  but Jordan is excited to get there and do some fun things!  You have to say a prayer for Jayme because she is still in school and is going to need some time as well to really get her stuff done.  She is pretty awesome when it comes to school work.  I am impressed at her dedication!  she wants to really learn, and I just want to get it out of the way! haha 

Please pray for their safe travels to include my mom who they are going to pick up when she flys into OK city. 

Gotta go fill up my coffee...

64 Days until I quit my job...


65 Days until I quit my job...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:34 AM

Well, I am pretty much spent right now, the whole point of this is to get out the thoughts that will not stop bothering me and I will not stop dwelling on.  So really.. This is my best blog yet, for myself.  I really don't have anything on my mind other that I love this Coffee and I wonder what it and the creamer is doing to my body, since it is sooo good!  :) 

65 Days until I quit my job...


66 Days until I quit my job...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:34 AM

Well, again life seemed to take over.  I didn't wake up until 6:20 and had to leave the house about 6:45 so I obviously didn't have time for much this morning.  That almost never happens and I totally remember waking up, getting out of bed, walking over to the window seal and turning the alarm off.  and then the all important climbing back into bed. 

Well God has completely taken over my job hunt for me.  I have been looking into Lockheed Martin and other various places.  My Mother-in-law knows somebody who works with Lockheed Martin and they offered to put in a good word and pass my resume along.  Also, I applied for a Logistics job in Orrville about 9am my time on Saturday morning, and by 9:30am my time, I got a reply back from the president/owner of the company.  He went on to call me today to discuss more about my experience with the Air Force.  I believe thins went well, but we will see, he said he may call me back before April to schedule an in person interview. 

66 Days until I quit my job...


67 Days until I quit my job...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:33 AM

Yes, you are correct there was no 68 days...  I got to sleep in, and once I woke up... yup life happens!  And thats the best part.  Life happening enough to keep you away from your normal routine is really actually awesome.  It seems at the time as if it is a whirlwind taking you away without control, but for some reason yesterday it wasn't.  Maybe it was just the fact that I am realizing that they are leaving for 2 months, but I had the best day in 5 years probably.  I started my day off with changing Julianne's diaper and went on to play exercise just to make her smile (not that that was tough).  But my point is, I didn't let me routine drive me, which is normally what takesover from about 0400-1000 am.  I had no joke an incredible day.  There were points where my routine and whatever it is inside of me that says "you are wasting time, you have too much to do right now!", that poked jabs at me all day long but it wasn't anything that could take me away.

I often realize in the 11th hour how I have missed an opportunity.  I look back over friendships and work stuff and see them all the time.  I can only hope to learn from those mistakes.  I believe I put that quote in my last blog from Guy Kawasaki.  So I wont do it again.. But wow is it true. 

Anyways, I appreciate everyones thoughts and prayers through this really crazy time for our family.  Please think and pray for Jordan during this time too, not only because he will be away from his dad for a while, but because this is his second move in a year, and he is needing some security.  It took 8 months for him to start enjoying his life we have made for him in New Mexico.  He still loves England and talks about the brown house.  I believe he still believes we are going back to the brown house.  That is really all he knows in his life.  That is where he spent the first 3 years of his life, and I believe we need to get him that security so he can focus on being a kid, and not wondering when we are going to move again, or where his toys are going now.  He has met and left a lot of people he loves, and it kills me to watch him say goodbye to these people, and not really realize that he will 9 time out of 10 not see these people again.  Yesterday he had to say goodbye to Pastor Darwin, Pastor Wally, and Angela his sunday school teacher, and when I told her this was his last sunday, we both started crying like babies... but Jordan just wanted to show me his Jesus and John that they had made out of clothes pins.  He just really doesn't understand.  And I know from the past that this time next year he will still be asking where Kyle and Miss Autumn are.  He attaches himself to great people that he spends his time with, and loves them. That is really hard to me to deal with, and I hope and pray this will be the last move until all of our kids can understand we are going to be taking them out of high school to go coach football at a college 3 hours away... (name that movie)  but you get the point.

67 Days until I quit my job...


69 days until I quit my job...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:32 AM

Well, Really Quick, Last Night When I Went To Bed, I Was Really Excited Because I Turned My Alarm Off, I Got In Bed About 11ish And Was Excited About Sleeping In.  (ok I can't do that Capitalizing every word thing anymore, it takes forever!)  haha Also, just a quick bit of info, which is what makes all that stuff before this make since, is I wake up at 4AM Sunday-Saturday.. so thats why I was excited. But apparently I do have that alarm clock that says "WAKE UP" about 4:45AM just to make sure Im not going to be late for work or PT.  so I am not going to complain, but that will be perfect back on the East coast... a nice 6:45AM Wake up Call courtesy of my brain.  You know, I really do appreciate it!  haha 

Last night we went to spend some time with friends of ours that we have had our whole AF Career, even though we had a break for a while, we always seem to find the best friends in the world where you can not talk to someone for 5 and a half years and it still be like we never left.  I have to thank God for giving me of all people friends like that.  I've got Ryan in WV, who if I am lucky I have seen twice since I joined the Air Force, All my friends in Wooster, Maybe 3 times, a very select few friends I had at Wooster High who even though we haven't seen each other since graduation we still want to get the kids together and have a coffee or something.  It took me a long time to realize, but Friends that God puts in your lives, are those ones that you could never get the chance to hang out again, but you still know that if you needed to talk to that person or go over to their house, they would ask you why you weren't already there.  God is Great.

 I get the pleasure of listening to Wooster Church of the Naz's Worship sessions and Messages. I try to listen to them regulary so I can really see where the church is going back home.  I guess I should explain that situation real quick.  But a Really long story short.  I always say "I AM NOT GOING BACK TO ____!  <-- Enter the next place God is going to send me."  No seriously... 

We moved to NEW MEXICO to be close enough to Houston to be able to interview for jobs there, pop down for Career Fairs, or whatever.  Houston is where we were going.  We went through about 15 towns in Houston and Dallas, but We would look for houses, then Schools, then shopping all that stuff... 1 year later God showed us the error in our ways, by providing us with HIS will and not ours.  He told us to go to Wooster Church.  <-- Did you see that?!?!  He told us to go to the church.  Not a house, not a school, not a target, not a cold stone creamery, not to Microsoft, not to Dell, not to BP.  I was outside mowing listening to Brian Houston of Hillsong.  He was talking about moving away from one of God's churches to go to the big city, where you will certain make more money, have a nicer house, drive a nicer car, have more things to do (Houston, Houston, Houston, Houston, Houston, or Columbus).  Then he said that is all fine and well, until little johnny is living on the streets hooked on drugs, or in a gang.  He talks a lot about God leading you places and you need to put your human desires away and stinkin listen when God tells you what to do.  another preface to this.  I have about 500+ different podcasts and sermons on my Ipod.  When I go to do something I pretty much select at random and know either I am going to learn about photoshop, Wooster Church Worship, or hear some powerful teaching like this.  So to make a shorter story shorter, I let go of the mower (yes it shuts off) and walked in the front door, just about as fast as I could get there, and said "Jayme, we have to go to Wooster"  I will enter in a comment for her, but neither of us had planned on that area, and quite frankly were not open to that area.  We just didn't want to go there.  We have been there!!!  haha  but if I would have asked her 20 minutes before that she probably would not have been very great about it, because of all the headache we put ourselves through, researching different areas, and talking about it, and just plain STRESSING about it.  But when I said that, she was like "ok."  I don't really remember much after that but I do remember a peace coming over me/us.  It was as if we were focused on a Church/God's plan, and everything after that will come in his time.  Imagine that... What a crazy idea!  HaHa  I have , no joke, heard that 30,000 times over the past 27 years sitting in church.  But a lot of stuff that I have heard all my life is really starting to set in and become TRUTH in my life.  I have just heard it and believed it, but didn't KNOW what it meant.  Unbelievable the things that God shows me everyday that he has obviously been trying to get me to learn for so long.  I guess I really am a learn it the hard way kid, but I try my hardest not to be.  "The Person who learns from his mistakes is a very smart person, but a person who learns from other people's mistakes is even smarter."  Rick Warren.  I want to feel sad about that, because I have wasted so many good years, and good opportunities in my life.  But I know God (as Pastor Nathan @ Wooster Church says) doesn't work in "toos".  God doesn't believe in "too late", "too old", "too much of a heathen" (sp?), you get the point.  So on the other hand, I feel blessed that much over that I am not 65 learning this.  (Not that 65 is old or anything! GEE) . 

This one will be the long edition for Saturday Morning.  No more Saturday Morning Cartoons, it CBS's Saturday Morning guy who rambles too much. 

69 days until I quit my job...


70 days until I quit my job...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:31 AM

Honestly... My internet connection was not happy that I wanted to write this this morning, and right now, about 5 minutes before I HAVE to leave for PT (Physical Training) I pop on.  haha  Anyways, many of you might have gotten an e-mail about Jordan and him being MY Hero, truly, but the boy has some integrity. And for him to show it at this age is incredible that that has been instilled(sp?) in him.  Oh yeah I was tearin up when I saw him get off his tractor at 4:30pm face the music and put his hand over his heart...  He has integrity that is above all... I mean he was playing for goodness sakes!  he got off his tractor for that! He wont get off the tractor for me!  


But anyways, Things are good here, one week left with the family before they end their Air Force Journey and go forward into our new life.  That is beginning to be really hard for me to take, but I know it will be for the better of us and our future if I can get all I can done before its time. 

70 days until I quit my job... 


71 Days until I quit my job...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:29 AM

Well, What can I say... Not much.  I am having a little issue with wanting to find out about Lockheed Martin.  I keep checking my application status for all seven apps.  I know I shouldn't.  Maybe that is something I should start fasting. 

I have been listening a lot lately to Joyce Meyer.  If you want to listen to something that will totally change your life you need to subscribe to her "Enjoying Everyday Life" podcast.  Or heck, I will make you a CD.   Some of the things she brings up and talks about it totally life changing like I have never heard it before.

I will get more into that later, but today is thursday and Thursdays are like my mondays when it comes to getting ready for work.  We have a briefing with everyone in the shop first thing in the morning and it seems that I never make it on time.  That is the one thing in my career I cannot make it on time.  It might be that Thursdays are trash day, so when I am on schedule and walk out of the garage, I realize and then have to go back and get all the trash and recycling out.  :D

71 Days until I quit my job...


72 days until I quit my job...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:29 AM

Hello again, 

     It was brought to my attention that the comment I made about me being not much for nothing without Jayme and Joel Osteen was a little out of line.  Well here is my reply to that. 

I feel God has worked through them to make me better by telling me over and over, just in the right times when I feel like giving up on all of it, that I can do it. I know I can do all thing through Christ who strenthgens me, its just them doing his work! :) I can look back through my life and see those people all the way through my life. I would say the first I could remember would probably be my mom, then Helen Carter, Pastor Baker, Randall (Ryans dad), Greg Gilberto, then Ryan, Helen Hall, Tom and Pastor Nathan, Matt Shetler, Lori, Yvonne, Donnell, Lyndon, Jayme, My last Chief (Chief Weyrauch), and then Joel Osteen.

I am sure there are so many people that I missed but its early! but even if these people didn't know, they were all an example for me, that motivated me.

Everyone of those people at some time were there for me right at the time I needed them most. And I owe my life to them for doing God's work and caring for me at those times.

One more thing I have to write about is something I haven't wrote about yet.  Monday started our church's 21 day fast. I decided to fast Sugar, Soda, and Fast Food.  Well let me tell you, it has been anything but easy.  Every single time I go to grab a hershey kiss, or a soda for lunch, I realize I can't.  And right when I am about to throw it all our the window, I realize just how silly, and rediculous that is.  It is all just something you put in your body that, lets face it, isn't good no matter how you look at it.  But still, everytime I get that urge, it is almost like WW3 inside me "saying who cares just eat it" and the other side saying, "Are you seriously about to give up? Do you understand what Jesus went through?"  Ofcourse, I don't do it and then spend the next 10-20 minutes thinking how silly it was to even think otherwise.  This is different than a diet, Im not doing it for that, it is just something I knew I was attached to.  There was no way I could do a total fast and still function at PT and work, so I had to pick the next best thing, and you got it.  If you don't think its hard try it for 2 days, then you will realize how quickly you are dependant on it. 

72 days until I quit my job...


73 Days Until I quit my job...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:28 AM

Honestly, Anybody who knows me, knows I couldn't pass up this chance to throw a little Longhorn love towards the Buckeye Nation.  Well here goes,

To the Ohio State Buckeye Nation, YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO PLAY 60 MINUTES.  The game of NCAA Football does not have a 10 rule run.  This is not your backyard wiffle ball.  You need to play the rest of the game and hey, maybe, just maybe do some research on the team you had 8 weeks to prepare for.  Maybe realize that they are going to take your weak points that are on the game tapes from all season.  Maybe look at those weak points and switch some things around.  Wow, I would be embarrassed to show my face back on Campus after the second year in a row, you had your heineys handed to you. But hey, you scored 10 more points than the Florida game.  From the half buckeye in me, "There's always next year, to blow it in the big game".  But don't think you are going to get past USC that easy.

On to my 73 days left, I applied for a Lockheed Martin job yesterday after speaking with a Military relations recruiter.  The Lockheed Martin organization is exactly what I would be looking for to get involved with.  They are on the cutting edge of technology, they provide incredible benefits to include a "pension".  They are totally involved in providing the best of the best for their employees from life insurance, medical, matched 401K, and more.

I am excited about the opportunites ahead of us.  Again, my family has been so supportive about me getting school work done, and learning as much as I can. 

God speaks to me everyday showing me the way.  Here is just a quick example of what he showed me this morning. Just a Preface, I am not very optimistic, and if it wasn't for God, Jayme and Joel Osteen then I wouldn't be much for nothing!  :)  But here was my message first thing this morning:

This is taken from "Today's Word with Joel and Victoria Osteen" I get in my inbox every morning.

Expect Good Things

Today's Scripture

"Surely goodness and loving-kindness will follow me all the days of my life…" (Psalm 23:6).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

What are you expecting today? Are you expecting to rise higher in life? Are you expecting good breaks? Are you expecting goodness to follow you everywhere you go? If you are expecting to get the short end of the stick, your own wrong thinking will keep you in mediocrity. Remember, God will meet you at the level of your expectations. Pay attention to what you are thinking about and make the choice to believe God for good things. Every day, imagine there are blessings, favor, increase, and promotion in your path. They already have your name on it! It's just a matter of time before you come across them. Start confessing everyday "Something good is going to happen to me today." Stand strong when trouble comes, knowing that your best days are ahead. Believe that God's blessings will overtake you! Expect goodness and mercy to chase you down. If you'll learn to raise your level of expectancy, God will pour out His blessings and favor on you. You'll rise to new levels and live the life of victory He has in store.

I couldn't say any better myself.  I get all kinds of signs like this, to include yesterday, When I spoke with the Military Relation Recruiter, and out of 4-5 recruiters, I just so happened to have the Retired Chief Master Sergeant from the Air Force.  He spent 8 years of his career in England, and has been to Cannon, and he has worked with the staffing department for the IT department. 

I dont think that is a coincedence.


74 Days to Go

Posted by Jeremy on 4:25 AM

Well, Basically, I am going to blog for the next 74 days a mental countdown of everything that goes on when you transition from the military and a perfectly good job to follow what We believe is God's plan for our lives.

Today and Yesterday, have particularly been one of the hardest days in the past few months.  Jayme and I have been looking for houses, and jobs and sometimes the hardest thing is to sit back and let God take care of it.  We want to solve everything in the human realm.  We as people think we have to have everything laid out to where nothing can go wrong...  But inevitably if God isn't in it, something will go wrong. 

So right now, I am focused on the job search.  Currently, I am looking for some sort of an IT job.  Computer Systems Administrator, Database Administrator, Web designer, Web Programmer, basically anything along those lines.  Lockheed Martin is getting my full attention right now, from what I know right now, They have everything I need and want in a career. 

I owe it to Jayme for keeping our finances on track for the past 6 years freeing us from tens of thousands of dollars in debt and putting enough of a cushion to where I can focus on getting "The Job" instead of having to go work for $12/hr and looking for a job part time.

My whole family has been very supportive, and they are actually getting ready to leave New Mexico early to head back to find a place to live, and allow me time to finish school.  Not to mention spend some much needed time with Jayme's sister and kiddies. 

I will ask you one thing, is just to think of us in prayer during this rough time!  Jayme and I have been through more than most people will ever go through in just the past 6 years, and this isnt going to be any different. 

74 days to go until I quit my job...

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