43 Days until I see my family again...

Posted by Jeremy on 4:53 AM
Honestly, things are going ok, I officially got my separation orders, final out date, final out of finance, and final out of housing.  The only thing I really need to do is set up our TMO for shipping our things back to the homeland!  hahaha  

Ethics is practically giving me an ulcer... I have to write a paper on Emannuel Kant, and frankly, I can't understnad anything they are saying about him or what he wrote himself. I really can't grasp who's point of view is you "ought" to do something rather than "doing" it.  That isn't a very good example, because that still isnt right... hahaha  It is more like you doing something because you "want" to do it, and doing something because you "ought" to do it... Whatever... 

We have the best friends in the world.  <-- Period... Jayme had been kind of worried that I would go right into wooster and have my friend base already set up, but she wouldn't have those close friends.  Well she wasn't there 24 hours before one of them found out, and organized a lunch with a bunch of the moms from the church.  She was so excited because they all thought of her, and went out of their way to make her feel welcomed and comfortable.  That is one point where we have went seriously wrong over the past 6 years, keeping to ourselves, not really wanting to go out and do things if we didn't want to.  Thats why we know this is where God want's us.  

I am so excited to get there to get our life as we know it started... 

43 Days until I see my family again...


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